V2Soft has highly skilled teams trained in AI, helping companies automate business processes and operations, driving growth and lowering costs. This revolutionary, fast-growing technology enables computers to replicate human intelligence in a reliable manner, freeing up organizations to deploy staff to do higher-level work than what AI tools can do - sophisticated problem solving and strategic planning.
We also built our own generative AI framework, “Sanciti AI,” which can be trained to mine knowledge sources such as documents (in Word, PDF, and Excel formats) to improve customer satisfaction and sales and increase efficiency.
In order to improve our teams' productivity, time to market, and quality, we have built an AI-based SDLC framework that assists our teams in all aspects of the SDLC. Based on our research, our team productivity improved anywhere between 15% and 40%, depending on the situation, type of project, and objectives.
V2Soft provides the following Artificial Intelligence services to our customers: AI Services and Expertise
Organizations are leveraging Conversational bots on their B2C websites, so customers can get answers to queries 24/7. Companies are transforming websites to become conversationmal, leveraging chatbots to increase customer engagement.
V2Soft’s conversational chatbots use Natural Language Processing and AI to read, listen, and understand customer requirements and match them with the best products and services, or instantly provide them with information. This service strategy is scalable and flexible, as bots serve multiple customers at once, yet tailor the experience for every individual.
V2Soft’s conversational bots, powered by state-of-the-art AI that we are constantly updating, make self-service more human.
Our conversational bots can be deployed on multiple channels, allowing you to better and more efficiently engage customers (Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, WeChat, Skype, SMS or enterprise channels).
Our conversational bots can be deployed on multiple channels, allowing you to better and more efficiently engage customers (Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, WeChat,V2Soft’s conversational bots are "more human," than most because our conversation engine runs user requests through various behavior handling tools that check for tone, language and intent. Bots then react with appropriate human like responses. Skype, SMS or enterprise channels).
Our conversational bots handle linguistic, colloquial and domain-specific context for various industries to achieve a more meaningful response. We train bots by running them through industry-specific domain handlers.
By adding V2Soft’s AI tools and experienced teams to your business and IT operational processes, our clients achieve greater productivity and insights. By embedding one of our AI teams in your operations, we find ways to utilize and deploy our AI tools in ways and contexts, and sectors of our clients’ businesses they had not previously imagined.